Cloud 9. My review :)
Last night at 8pm I watched the new movie on Family Channel, called Cloud 9. Before I tell ya what I thought about the movie, I am going to tell ya a bit about what the movie is about.
Cloud 9 - is about: A prima donna, Kayla, was kicked off the Swift snowboard team after wrecking Will's dog sled. Kayla is sent to work with Will to pay for the sled. Will, works with his mom at the dog spa (I forget what it is called) and gave up snowboading after his Cloud 9 accident. They help each other out a long the way. Kayla was also on the Swift team, because her dad owns the resort. That is all I am saying. Wanna know more? It is on Family Channel, again tomorrow at 12 noon.
Now what I thought about the movie...
The movie was really good.. Then again Luke Benward is in the movie. Should I go on lol. But seriously, Luke and Dove can act. Ashley Tisdale, Shawn White, and the casting director could not find better people to play Will and Kayla.
First off, I wanted to watch this movie, because Luke Benward is my celebrity crush xD I love Will's character; brave, calls Kayla out, funny (a little), and a good coach. Secondly, Dove is also really good. Dove also plays twins on Liv and Maddy. Her character, Kayla is a prima donna, does not give up, and want someone to believe in her.
I rate this movie 5/5. Not because Luke Benward is in the movie.... OK, fine, that is part of the reason :) but I love the message. Never give up and work hard to get what you want. If no one believes in you, it does not matter. It only matters if you believe in yourself.
You can catch:
Luke as Dillion in Ravenswood on Tuesdays at 9pm
Dove as Liv/Maddy in Liv & Maddy whenever it is on Family/Disney Channel
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