Bella Thorne vs OnlyFans
Hey my lovely Chameleons. In my today's blog I am going to talk about a celebrity scandal. First before I go on, I want to say that December 21, 2020 is going to be my last blog for this year. My last blog is going to be the Shawn Mendes Documentary. Between today and tomorrow it took me awhile to think, cause I had 3 ideas, but only 2 days left before th 21st of December. Enjoy my last 2 celebrity blogs of 2020. Now let's get into what this blog is about.. Bella Thorne and OnlyFans.
At first I didn't want to doo a blog on this, but I couldn't stay away and also I don't have an OnlyFans and I don't want one, but I hate what Bella Thorne is doing. Now that Bella did another thing involving OnlyFans I needed and wanted to do this blog for you Chameleons. If you Chameleons have not heard what has been going on, here is everything. In August of 2020 Bella Thorne joined this website, OnlyFans. OnlyFans is where people pay to see "unlocked" provocative photos for money. The next day I got news that Bella Thorne made a million dollars in the first 24 hours. The think is, she scammed her follows. Here is why. She set her price on her OnlyFans for $200, fully nude, witch was fake advertising cause she had clothes on and the same picture was ON HER INSTAGRAM. If that was not bad enough she tried to cover that up saying that she only joined OnlyFans cause she was researching about "Sex workers" for a new movie, directed by Sean Baker for The Florida Project. Witch was going to be about Bella's experience with OnlyFans. That was a lie. I read an interview about Sean, and he said that he was not doing a movie with Bella.

In the next few days she apologized to OnlyFans, and promoting Sex Workers, after OnlyFans ended up changed their price policy to max, $100. All thanks to Bella Thorne.

Looks like she learned her lesson? Right? A few ago she went on her InstaStory and claimed that she was the first celebrity to join OnlyFans and that she started the trend and letting everyone in her News Feed follow in her footsteps. Witch is not true, at all.

I think this is so messed up. Even because all the "Nudes" that is on her OnlyFans to pay money are also on her INSTAGRAM for FREE!!!! I don't care if she is scraping her Disney image, but scamming and lying to her YOUNG FANS and fans in general is NOT the way to do so. I think she is only doing OnlyFans for the money, along with the other million things she does. I think that cause the posted a photo on Instagram with the quote ".... I uploaded the full pic to my OF cuz this body just too much for insta". Like seriously.
Like I said, I don't use OnlyFans and I am never joining, but reading everything about Bella Thorne and OnlyFans she should be band from the site and give the money that she made from the site back. Cause let me repeat THEY ARE FOR FREE ON HER INSTAGRAM PAGE!!!!! Just saying
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