Free Britney
Hey my lovely Chameleons. In today's blog, I am going to be talking about something that I have never touched on, and that is the Free Britney movement. If you are like me and don't know their are videos from Clevver on YouTube and articles about this. The reason why I choose to write a blog about this is cause I got inspired to write this after I watched Paris Hilton on Hot Ones on Thursday March 11, 2021 when the host, Sean Evans brought up the Free Britney to Paris. I been reading articles to see when all the started and the timeline. I even watched the Frame Britney Documentary. I will be going into every detail of Britney Spears, just the Free Britney. But I had to watch the documentary to get it all straight.
Let's start at the very beginning to see how we got to this point. Britney's dad, Jamie was not was not around very much when she was little, by struggling with alcohol, and later went to rehab between construction and being a cook, while trying to open a gym business that never took off. He even filed for bankruptcy. That meant her mom, Lynne, would do anything for Britney and the family so Britney can be a star. Since her dad filed for bankruptcy that made him worry about the financial aspect from the benign of his daughter's career. When she started getting famous she flow home, went to the bank, and gave everyone $100 bills. Between 2000-2004 she stopped dressing to please people.
Even though she enjoyed the paparazzi, their was many times that she had mental breakdowns and saw parting with Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton and then shaving her head completely bald. Plus she was even fighting a custody battle with ex-husband, Kevin Federline. When her dad saw that she was getting out of control this is when her dad thought it be good to have a conservatorship over Britney. So he filed temporally. Before I go on, I want to say that conservatorship is a guardian and protector appointed by a judge to protect and manage the finical affairs and/or the person'e daily life due to physical or mental limitations or old age. Let's continue.
The reason why Britney got on a conservatorship was cause she had many mental breakdowns and less of protection and her dad was not a big figure in her life before this. By this point her family called, Andrew Streisand, who is a trial lawyer for conservatorship and asked him to talk to Britney. He met Britney at the Beverly Hotel, but he was afraid if she could not afford him. She had judgement on what was going on, and that she couldn't resits this conservatorship. She did ask him that she wants someone else to be in charge of her conservatorship and does not want her dad involved in any way. Her dad gets to appointed conservatorship of the person and with the money he gets her estate alongside with Andrew Wallet, and Britney did not want that. .
Britney's conservatorship orders are that her dad can control who can come into her house, have her have security guards with her all day, control doctor medications, control her house, and cut off from her bank cards, they can even make recordings and TV deals for her. She might have agreed so she can see her kids. A few days after signing she got some of her visitation rights back. One year in the conservatorship Britney and her team got MTV to do a documentary called, Britney For The Record, and git a peak of Britney and her dad's relationship. Still in 2008 she ends up guess staring on TV shows, made an album, and went on tour. For the next few years she was busy. She got $1Million dollars in her bank every week. Her dad got approved from the court to 1.5% of the Vegas show, which was her biggest show in 2009.
Now that Instagram is so big Britney choose that we get to see what she wants us to see. We don't know that the conservatorship oder says anything about that for Instagram, so we think Britney is giving us cryptic messages saying she wants and needs help. Then out of now where Andrew Wallet quits after asking for a raise and then checked herself into a mental hospital in January 2019 till April 2019 for "me time". A podcast who dedicates to Britney related an emergency podcast with a voice mail from the New York Times, and the next day the podcast episode was everywhere. That is what started the Free Britney Movement. Her father speaks out saying that this movement is a joke and said "All these conspiracy theorists don't know anything." and continued with "It's up to the court of California to decide what's best for my daughter."
Giving that she was scared that her dad doesn't want to step down and she said that she will not work until someone else is managing her financial affairs. At one point, she wanted her little sister, Jamie-Lynn to take over. Britney and her dad are not on good terms anymore and Keven Federline got a restraining order against her dad claiming that he was physical to one of their sons. Her mom is now requesting to be involved with her daughter's medical. In August of 202 she was clear that she wants change. She is willing not to work until her dad is not working for her. Her mom wants new custody of the conservatorship. Her mom wants her to wake up to brighter days. Britney is paying for her lawyers and conservatorship lawyer, so do they fatally have her best option for her? Britney ended up loosing the case, cause her dad is not being let go yet at this time today. Britney's choice of managers wealth of conservation was named after her $16 Million dollar of her estate.

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